The Ultimate Guide to Pool Chemical Safety: Tips and Best Practices for a Healthy Pool

Pool Chemical Safety

Maintaining a clean and healthy pool requires a comprehensive understanding of the chemicals crucial for proper water balance, sanitation, and algae control. The proper use and handling of these chemicals are of paramount importance to protect the well-being of swimmers and extend the lifespan of your pool equipment. Pool chemical safety is an essential aspect of pool management that often goes unaddressed, and every responsible pool owner needs to have a thorough understanding of best practices to create a safe backyard swimming environment.

This article will serve as your go-to resource for effectively managing and using your pool chemicals while prioritizing your own safety, that of your family, and your friends. Through expert advice and practical tips, you’ll learn everything you need to know about storing, handling, and testing your pool chemicals. This guide also covers essential safety equipment, first-aid procedures, and the importance of understanding chemical compatibility to help you prevent dangerous situations while maintaining a pristine pool.

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, Cincinnati Pool & Patio is your one-stop shop for all of your pool and patio needs, including a wide array of pool chemicals and testing equipment. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is always on standby to guide you through your pool maintenance journey, offering expert advice tailored to your specific pool type and needs.

1. Understanding Pool Chemicals: Key Components for a Safe and Balanced Pool

Before diving into pool chemical safety guidelines, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the main chemicals involved in keeping your pool water clean, balanced, and safe:

– Sanitizers: The primary sanitizers used in pools are chlorine and bromine. They function to neutralize harmful bacteria, viruses, and organic contaminants, ensuring that your pool remains safe and hygienic for swimming.

– Water balancers: A range of chemicals addresses pH levels, alkalinity, and calcium hardness to maintain the overall balance of your pool’s water, protect your equipment, and keep water comfortable for swimmers.

– Algaecides: These prevent and eliminate algae growth, helping you maintain clear and inviting pool water. Copper-based algaecides are most common, with other options, including ammonium and metallic compounds.

2. Proper Storage and Handling of Pool Chemicals

Adhering to proper storage and handling guidelines is crucial for pool chemical safety. Following these practices ensures that chemicals remain effective and reduce the risk of incidents or injuries:

– Storage location: Store your pool chemicals in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, sources of heat, and excessive moisture. Keep them off the ground, inaccessible to children and pets, and away from flammable materials.

– Storage containers: Use original containers for storage, ensuring that lids and caps are tightly sealed to prevent spills, contamination, or deterioration. Keep different types of chemicals separate and clearly labeled to avoid mix-ups.

– Handling precautions: Always wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and long sleeves when handling pool chemicals. Carefully read and follow label directions for proper usage and dosage, and avoid using different chemicals simultaneously, as they may react with one another and cause dangerous fumes or explosions.

3. Regular Pool Water Testing and Maintenance

Regular pool water testing is vital for maintaining a clean, safe, and pleasant swimming environment. Staying on top of the water balance ensures the effectiveness of sanitizers and prevents corrosion or damage to your pool equipment:

– Testing frequency: Test and adjust your pool’s pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels at least once a week, while calcium hardness and total dissolved solids (TDS) should be checked monthly. Test more frequently during periods of heavy use, following significant rainfall events, or after adding chemicals.

– Testing methods: Pool testing options include test strips, liquid kits, or digital meters. Consult your pool chemical supplier to determine the best testing method for your pool and to address any questions you may have about interpreting your test results.

– Adjusting levels: Based on your test results, adjust your pool’s chemistry accordingly by adding the necessary chemicals to maintain a balanced and healthy pool. If you’re unsure about making adjustments, seek guidance from a pool professional.

4. Essential Safety Equipment, First-Aid, and Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared for potential accidents or emergencies is an essential part of pool chemical safety. Ensure that you have the necessary safety equipment, first-aid supplies, and a plan of action in the event of an incident:

– Protective gear: As mentioned earlier, always use personal protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and long sleeves, when handling pool chemicals. Having a respirator on hand is advisable when working with powerful sanitizers or shock treatments.

– First-aid kit: Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit nearby, including essentials such as eyewash, burn ointment, bandages, and antihistamines, to treat potential chemical-related injuries.

– Emergency preparedness: Make sure everyone involved in pool maintenance understands the hazards associated with pool chemicals and knows how to safely address chemical spills, fires, or exposure incidents. Keep emergency contact numbers, such as your local poison control center, handy to call in case of accidents or exposure.


Pool chemical safety is a critical aspect of maintaining a clean, healthy, and enjoyable swimming environment. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this ultimate guide, you’ll be well-prepared to store, handle, and use pool chemicals safely, minimizing the risk of accidents or injuries. Regular water testing and maintenance will ensure your pool remains an inviting and secure retreat for you, your family, and your friends.

Cincinnati Pool & Patio is your one-stop destination for expert guidance on pool chemical safety, essential safety equipment, and pool supplies in Cincinnati, Ohio. Visit us today to explore our vast selection of products and benefit from personalized advice from our knowledgeable staff, who are eager to help you keep your swimming pool safe and vibrant.

5 Essential Pool Maintenance Tips for Sparkling Clean Water All Summer Long

pool maintenance

With warm weather approaching, nothing beats the refreshing feeling of diving into a sparkling swimming pool in your own backyard. A well-maintained swimming pool can provide endless hours of fun, relaxation, and even health benefits for friends and family throughout the summer months. However, ensuring your pool stays clean, safe, and inviting requires regular maintenance and upkeep, with attention placed on water chemistry, filtration, and seasonal cleaning. To help you navigate the ins and outs of pool maintenance, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of five essential pool maintenance tips that will help you maintain crystal-clear water all summer long while prolonging the life of your pool components.

Routine swimming pool maintenance serves several purposes. It not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of your pool but also helps avoid potential health hazards posed by unbalanced water chemistry and bacteria build-up. By committing to a regular maintenance schedule, you can prevent costly damage to pool equipment and reduce the risk of lengthy and expensive repairs down the line. Whether you’re a new pool owner or a swimming pool veteran, these expert tips will ensure your pool remains in stellar condition and your backyard oasis remains inviting to everyone who visits.

In this article, we’ll cover the key aspects of pool maintenance, including balancing water chemistry, managing and maintaining your pool’s filtration system, cleaning and vacuuming your pool, addressing seasonal changes, and consulting with professionals when necessary. We’ll also touch upon choosing the right pool chemicals and equipment, as well as debunking common pool maintenance myths.

Balancing Water Chemistry for a Safe and Healthy Swim

One of the most critical aspects of pool maintenance is ensuring proper water chemistry. Unbalanced water can lead to algae growth, bacteria buildup, and damage to pool equipment. To maintain safe swimming conditions and avoid potential health hazards, follow these essential steps:

1. Test Pool Water Regularly: It’s essential to test your pool water at least two to three times a week using test strips or a liquid test kit. This will allow you to measure critical water balance components, including pH levels, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels, such as chlorine or bromine.

2. Adjust Water Chemistry as Needed: Once you’ve tested your pool water, you might need to add chemicals to maintain optimal water balance. The ideal pH level for a swimming pool should be between 7.4 and 7.6. To raise or lower your pH levels, add sodium bicarbonate or muriatic acid, respectively. Additionally, ensure your total alkalinity remains between 80 and 120 ppm to stabilize your pool’s pH levels. Sanitizer levels are crucial for preventing bacteria growth and maintaining safe swimming conditions. Maintain a chlorine concentration between 1 and 3 ppm, while bromine should be between 3 and 5 ppm.

Maintaining Your Pool’s Filtration System for Optimal Performance

Your pool’s filtration system is responsible for removing contaminants and debris to ensure clean and clear water. To maintain your pool’s filtration performance, follow these crucial steps:

1. Inspect and Clean Your Pool Filter Regularly: Whether you have a cartridge, sand, or diatomaceous earth (DE) filter, periodic cleaning and maintenance are necessary. Follow your filter manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and backwashing intervals. Typically, cartridge filters require monthly cleaning, while sand and DE filters benefit from backwashing when the pressure gauge shows a 5 to 10 psi increase over the baseline.

2. Replace Damaged or Worn Filter Components: Inspect your pool filter’s components for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any, replace these parts immediately to avoid reduced filtration efficiency and potential damage to your pool’s water quality.

Clean and Vacuum Your Pool for a Spotless Swim

Regular pool cleaning is essential for removing debris, stains, and algae growth that can compromise your pool’s water quality. To maintain a sparkling swimming pool, follow these essential pool cleaning tips:

1. Remove Leaves and Debris: Use a pool skimmer to remove leaves, insects, and other debris from your pool’s surface daily. Not only does this improve your pool’s appearance, but it also prevents the items from sinking and accumulating at the bottom, resulting in potential issues with your pool’s circulation and filtration systems.

2. Vacuum and Brush Your Pool: Vacuum and brush your pool walls and floor at least once a week to remove algae, stains, and built-up dirt. Choose a pool vacuum that best suits your pool type, such as a manual vacuum for smaller pools or an automatic/robotic vacuum for larger pools requiring more frequent cleaning.

3. Clean Pool Tiles and Waterline: Algae and scum can accumulate around your pool’s waterline, negatively affecting your pool’s appearance and water chemistry. Use a gentle pool tile cleaner and soft brush to clean your pool tiles and waterline at least once a week.

Addressing Seasonal Changes for Year-Round Pool Enjoyment

As the seasons change, so do the maintenance requirements for your pool. Be prepared to adjust your maintenance routine to account for these seasonal factors:

1. Summer: During peak swimming season, expect to increase your pool maintenance schedule due to increased bather loads and warmer temperatures, which can expedite algae growth. Monitor and adjust sanitizer levels more frequently, and consider installing a pool solar cover to reduce water evaporation and maintain optimal water temperature.

2. Winter: Closing your pool for the winter season is crucial to protect it from freezing temperatures and potential damage. Properly winterize your pool by balancing water chemistry, lowering the water level, and adding a winterizing algaecide. Ensure to drain and store pool equipment like filters, pumps, and heaters appropriately.

Seeking Professional Help for Pool Maintenance

While many aspects of pool maintenance can be managed by pool owners, occasionally, professional help is necessary for more complex tasks and to ensure your pool remains in top condition. Consult pool experts for assistance with installing new equipment, addressing significant water balance issues, or detecting and repairing leaks, or if you require assistance or advice about your pool’s proper maintenance.


By adhering to these essential pool maintenance tips covering water chemistry, filtration, cleaning, and seasonal changes, you can enjoy a crystal-clear and well-maintained swimming pool all summer long. Ultimately, your backyard oasis should be a source of joy, relaxation, and entertainment for you and your loved ones, and with consistent care, you can ensure it remains that way.

Want to have the best swimming pool experience in town? Visit Cincinnati Pool & Patio today to explore our extensive range of pool chemicals, equipment, and accessories and receive expert advice on efficient pool maintenance to keep your pool sparkling clean all summer long.

A Beginner’s Guide to Pool Chemicals: Balancing Your Pool for a Safe, Clean, and Clear Swim

Analysis of the PH and chlorine of the water in a swimming pool in Summer. Check quality of water with test strip, comparing results

Maintaining a clean, safe, and crystal-clear swimming experience begins with understanding the crucial role pool chemicals play in keeping your pool water healthy and balanced. From sanitizing and regulating pH levels to preventing algae growth and maintaining water clarity, pool chemicals work together to ensure an enjoyable and safe environment for swimmers of all ages.

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, Cincinnati Pool & Patio (CPP Cincy) is a one-stop destination for pool owners seeking the best in backyard living. We offer a wide range of pool and spa chemicals, as well as expert advice to help you navigate the complexities of proper pool care. Our knowledgeable staff is committed to guiding you through the ins and outs of pool chemistry, ensuring you achieve a consistently clean, clear, and safe swim for you and your family.

In this beginner’s guide to pool chemicals, we will delve into the importance, functions, and proper balancing of various chemicals crucial to the health and quality of your pool water. By gaining a solid understanding of pool chemicals and maintaining optimal levels, you can prevent potential problems such as bacteria, algae overgrowth, and pool surface damage, which can negatively impact your pool’s appearance and swimmers’ comfort.

1. Understanding the Importance of Pool Chemicals

Pool chemicals play a vital role in maintaining a clean, clear, and healthy swimming environment. Here are some key reasons why pool chemicals matter:

  • Sanitization: Pool chemicals serve as sanitizing agents, helping to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can pose health risks for swimmers.
  • Algae Prevention: Proper pool chemical balance prevents the growth of algae, which can make pool surfaces slippery and cause water discoloration, reducing overall water quality.
  • Water Clarity: Pool chemicals help maintain water clarity by binding tiny particles together, allowing for easy removal through the pool’s filtration system.
  • Protecting Pool Surfaces: Balanced pool chemicals protect your pool’s surfaces and equipment from damage caused by scaling or corrosion, extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

2. The Core Pool Chemicals: Functions and Optimal Levels

To maintain a balanced and healthy swimming environment, it is essential to understand the core pool chemicals and their functions:

  • Chlorine or Bromine: Both chlorine and bromine serve as primary sanitizing agents in pools, efficiently killing bacteria and viruses. Chlorine is the most popular option due to its effectiveness and affordability. The ideal chlorine level for pools is between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm), while bromine levels should range between 3 and 5 ppm.
  • pH Levels: The pH level measures your pool water’s acidity or basicity, directly impacting your sanitizer’s effectiveness and swimmers’ comfort. The ideal pH range for pools is between 7.4 and 7.6. Higher levels lead to low sanitizer efficiency and potential scaling, while lower levels result in increased sanitizer demands and potential corrosion.
  • Alkalinity: Total alkalinity (TA) in pool water acts as a pH buffer, preventing sudden pH shifts. Proper TA levels ensure stable pH levels and prevent issues like corrosion or scaling. The optimal TA level for pools is between 80 and 120 ppm.
  • Calcium Hardness: Calcium hardness measures the calcium content in your pool, influencing your pool surfaces’ and equipment’s longevity. High calcium hardness contributes to scaling, while low levels can lead to etching and pitting. The ideal calcium hardness level for pools is between 200 and 400 ppm.

3. Balancing Pool Chemicals: Tips and Best Practices

Achieving and maintaining a balanced pool requires regular testing and adjusting of your chemical levels. Here are some tips and best practices to help you maintain optimal pool water quality:

  • Test Regularly: To ensure accurate and consistent readings, test your pool water at least once a week using reliable testing kits or strips. If your pool experiences heavy usage or there are significant weather changes, increase your testing frequency.
  • Adjust Chemicals in the Correct Order: When adjusting your pool chemicals, follow a specific order for ideal results. Start by adjusting the TA level, followed by the pH level, then sanitizer levels, and finally calcium hardness.
  • Always Follow Label Instructions: When adding chemicals to your pool, always read and follow label instructions to ensure proper application and avoid potential chemical imbalances.
  • Shock Your Pool Periodically: Regularly “shocking” your pool by adding a high dose of chlorine or non-chlorine shock helps eliminate contaminants and restore the sanitizer’s effectiveness. Aim to shock your pool once a week during peak swimming season or every two weeks during offseason.
  • Never Mix Chemicals: Combining chemicals can create dangerous reactions or release harmful gases. Add each chemical separately, and avoid mixing them directly in the water.

4. Troubleshooting Common Pool Chemical Imbalances

Despite your best efforts, you may still encounter pool chemical imbalances. Here are some common symptoms and their corrective measures:

  • Cloudy Water: Caused by high pH or TA levels, low sanitizer levels, or poor filtration. Adjust your chemicals as needed, clean your filter, and consider using a pool clarifier.
  • Green Water: Indicates an algae bloom, caused by low sanitizer levels or high pH levels. Shock your pool and consider using an algaecide to treat the issue.
  • Red or Irritated Eyes: Caused by low pH levels or high sanitizer levels. Adjust your pH levels and ensure proper balance of sanitizer.
  • Chlorine Smell: Often occurs when there is a buildup of chloramines in the pool. Shock your pool to oxidize the chloramines and restore the sanitizer’s effectiveness.


Understanding pool chemicals and maintaining a proper balance is crucial for a clean, clear, and safe swimming experience. With a solid grasp on the importance, function, and optimal levels of the core pool chemicals, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a refreshing and sparkling pool all season long.

Ready to master pool chemistry and achieve the perfect backyard swim? At Cincinnati Pool & Patio, our dedicated team is committed to helping you maintain a beautiful and safe swimming environment for lasting enjoyment with friends and family. Explore our premium range of pool supplies today and let’s help you achieve a sparkling, safe, and enjoyable swimming experience in your backyard oasis!

5 Essential Pool Maintenance Tips for Sparkling Clean Water All Summer Long


With warm weather approaching, nothing beats the refreshing feeling of diving into a sparkling swimming pool in your own backyard. A well-maintained swimming pool can provide endless hours of fun, relaxation, and even health benefits for friends and family throughout the summer months. However, ensuring your pool stays clean, safe, and inviting requires regular maintenance and upkeep, with attention placed on water chemistry, filtration, and seasonal cleaning. To help you navigate the ins and outs of pool maintenance, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of five essential pool maintenance tips that will help you maintain crystal-clear water all summer long while prolonging the life of your pool components.

Routine swimming pool maintenance serves several purposes. It not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of your pool but also helps avoid potential health hazards posed by unbalanced water chemistry and bacteria build-up. By committing to a regular maintenance schedule, you can prevent costly damage to pool equipment and reduce the risk of lengthy and expensive repairs down the line. Whether you’re a new pool owner or a swimming pool veteran, these expert tips will ensure your pool remains in stellar condition and your backyard oasis remains inviting to everyone who visits.

In this article, we’ll cover the key aspects of pool maintenance, including balancing water chemistry, managing and maintaining your pool’s filtration system, cleaning and vacuuming your pool, addressing seasonal changes, and consulting with professionals when necessary. We’ll also touch upon choosing the right pool chemicals and equipment, as well as debunking common pool maintenance myths.

Balancing Water Chemistry for a Safe and Healthy Swim

One of the most critical aspects of pool maintenance is ensuring proper water chemistry. Unbalanced water can lead to algae growth, bacteria buildup, and damage to pool equipment. To maintain safe swimming conditions and avoid potential health hazards, follow these essential steps:

1. Test Pool Water Regularly: It’s essential to test your pool water at least two to three times a week using test strips or a liquid test kit. This will allow you to measure critical water balance components, including pH levels, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels, such as chlorine or bromine.

2. Adjust Water Chemistry as Needed: Once you’ve tested your pool water, you might need to add chemicals to maintain optimal water balance. The ideal pH level for a swimming pool should be between 7.4 and 7.6. To raise or lower your pH levels, add sodium bicarbonate or muriatic acid, respectively. Additionally, ensure your total alkalinity remains between 80 and 120 ppm to stabilize your pool’s pH levels. Sanitizer levels are crucial for preventing bacteria growth and maintaining safe swimming conditions. Maintain a chlorine concentration between 1 and 3 ppm, while bromine should be between 3 and 5 ppm.

Maintaining Your Pool’s Filtration System for Optimal Performance

Your pool’s filtration system is responsible for removing contaminants and debris to ensure clean and clear water. To maintain your pool’s filtration performance, follow these crucial steps:

1. Inspect and Clean Your Pool Filter Regularly: Whether you have a cartridge, sand, or diatomaceous earth (DE) filter, periodic cleaning and maintenance are necessary. Follow your filter manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and backwashing intervals. Typically, cartridge filters require monthly cleaning, while sand and DE filters benefit from backwashing when the pressure gauge shows a 5 to 10 psi increase over the baseline.

2. Replace Damaged or Worn Filter Components: Inspect your pool filter’s components for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any, replace these parts immediately to avoid reduced filtration efficiency and potential damage to your pool’s water quality.

Clean and Vacuum Your Pool for a Spotless Swim

Regular pool cleaning is essential for removing debris, stains, and algae growth that can compromise your pool’s water quality. To maintain a sparkling swimming pool, follow these essential pool cleaning tips:

1. Remove Leaves and Debris: Use a pool skimmer to remove leaves, insects, and other debris from your pool’s surface daily. Not only does this improve your pool’s appearance, but it also prevents the items from sinking and accumulating at the bottom, resulting in potential issues with your pool’s circulation and filtration systems.

2. Vacuum and Brush Your Pool: Vacuum and brush your pool walls and floor at least once a week to remove algae, stains, and built-up dirt. Choose a pool vacuum that best suits your pool type, such as a manual vacuum for smaller pools or an automatic/robotic vacuum for larger pools requiring more frequent cleaning.

3. Clean Pool Tiles and Waterline: Algae and scum can accumulate around your pool’s waterline, negatively affecting your pool’s appearance and water chemistry. Use a gentle pool tile cleaner and soft brush to clean your pool tiles and waterline at least once a week.

Addressing Seasonal Changes for Year-Round Pool Enjoyment

As the seasons change, so do the maintenance requirements for your pool. Be prepared to adjust your maintenance routine to account for these seasonal factors:

1. Summer: During peak swimming season, expect to increase your pool maintenance schedule due to increased bather loads and warmer temperatures, which can expedite algae growth. Monitor and adjust sanitizer levels more frequently, and consider installing a pool solar cover to reduce water evaporation and maintain optimal water temperature.

2. Winter: Closing your pool for the winter season is crucial to protect it from freezing temperatures and potential damage. Properly winterize your pool by balancing water chemistry, lowering the water level, and adding a winterizing algaecide. Ensure to drain and store pool equipment like filters, pumps, and heaters appropriately.

Seeking Professional Help for Pool Maintenance

While many aspects of pool maintenance can be managed by pool owners, occasionally, professional help is necessary for more complex tasks and to ensure your pool remains in top condition. Consult pool experts for assistance with installing new equipment, addressing significant water balance issues, or detecting and repairing leaks, or if you require assistance or advice about your pool’s proper maintenance.


By adhering to these essential pool maintenance tips covering water chemistry, filtration, cleaning, and seasonal changes, you can enjoy a crystal-clear and well-maintained swimming pool all summer long. Ultimately, your backyard oasis should be a source of joy, relaxation, and entertainment for you and your loved ones, and with consistent care, you can ensure it remains that way.

Want to have the best swimming pool experience in town? Visit Cincinnati Pool & Patio today to explore our extensive range of pool chemicals, equipment, and accessories and receive expert advice on efficient pool maintenance to keep your pool sparkling clean all summer long.

3 Best Strategies to Reduce Chlorine Usage in your Pool

Reduce Chlorine Usage

The chlorine shortage is still affecting pool owners. How can you reduce chlorine usage to make your supply last longer?

The summer season is almost here! Warmer weather is just on the horizon, which also means it’s almost swimming season! You’re likely dreaming of the day when you can open your pool and take a nice, refreshing dip. However, three years after a catastrophic chlorine plant fire, and two years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, the pool maintenance landscape looks quite different this year.

Chlorine is still hard to find these days, thanks to the plant fire and increased pool construction during the pandemic. Because of this shortage, chlorine prices have also risen in the last few years. As with other products facing similar shortages, the future of chlorine prices looks bleak. In fact, the price of chlorine has increased two to three times over the last two seasons. And it will continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

So, what can pool owners do to combat this shortage? If there’s not enough chlorine to go around, how can you make your supply last? How do you stretch your money to get the most bang for your buck? You want your pool to stay clean so you can swim all summer long, but you aren’t sure what to do next.

Fear not, swimmers. There are several ways you can reduce chlorine usage to make your limited supply last longer. With the following alternative sanitation methods, you can reduce the amount of chlorine your pool needs to stay clean. Read on for our top suggestions by our very own pool professionals.

Mineral Cartridges

The first way you can reduce chlorine usage in your pool is by supplementing with mineral cartridges. Drop-in mineral cartridges contain minerals, such as copper and silver, that sanitize pool water. These minerals prevent bacteria and algae from forming in the water. Some mineral products can also maintain a stable pH level in the water. It just depends on which minerals are present in the kit.

Using a mineral cartridge can drastically reduce the amount of chlorine your pool needs to stay clean. For under $100, you can reduce the chlorine in your pool up to 50%. Most pools require 2-3ppm (parts-per-million) of chlorine. With an added mineral system, your pool will only need 1ppm of chlorine to adequately sanitize the water.

There are a few products available that you can use to dispense minerals into your pool. There are in-skimmer mineral systems, which use a dispenser that is placed into your skimmer basket. Another option is floating dispensers. These dispensers disperse minerals and chlorine as it floats freely in the pool water. The third option is to use an inline mineral system that connects to your pool plumbing system. This option is a little more involved with the installation, but it can be used with most existing plumbing systems.

Algae Preventative

The less algae in your pool, the less chlorine you will have to use. Keeping on top of algae prevention is the second way to reduce chlorine usage. There are a few different methods to prevent algae growth in your pool. You can use algaecide regularly when your pool is clean to prevent algae spores from becoming full-on blooms. Algae spores are carried by the wind and can easily make their home in your pool, so preventing them from growing is the best way to reduce their effects.

You can also use a pool balancer or conditioner to help reduce algae growth and keep your existing chlorine at maximum effectiveness. Pool conditioner helps prevent chlorine from dissipating in the sun’s UV rays. The more effective your chlorine is, the less algae will grow. And the less algae you have, the less you must add chlorine back into your pool to sanitize it. Conditioning your pool is a once-a-year treatment method, so it is cost-effective too.

Test Balance Frequently

The final method to reduce your chlorine consumption is to stay on top of the balance of chemicals in your water. The better your water balance, the less chlorine you will need. Use testing strips regularly to test the pH and other chemical levels in your pool. Based on your results, add other chemical treatments as needed to keep the pH at an optimal balance.

Your pool’s pH level measures how acidic or alkaline your pool water is. pH is measured on a scale from 1 to 14, with lower numbers being more acidic, and higher numbers being more alkaline. If your water is too far to either end, it can cause problems. Keeping your pH at an optimal level can reduce your chlorine needs. For example, a pool with a pH of 8.5 requires 100% more chlorine than a pool balanced to a pH of 7.5.

Benefits of Reduced Chlorine

In addition to saving money and preserving your chlorine supplies, there are several other benefits to reducing your chlorine usage.

Chlorine is an irritant. It dries out the moisture in your skin after swimming and can dull the fabric of your swimsuit. It causes red, irritated eyes if you open your eyes underwater for too long. Chlorine is also harsh, making water harder and less pleasant to swim in if the concentration is too high.

Using the above methods to reduce chlorine usage in your pool helps alleviate these symptoms. Your water will be softer, and skin and eye irritation will be reduced. Overall, using less chlorine will improve the swimming experience.

Bottom Line

The chlorine shortage of the last few years has greatly affected how pool owners maintain their swimming pools. In general, what it takes to own a pool has changed over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our expert service team is always available to answer questions and to help find the right products for your pool. If you’re unsure of how to best maintain your pool, give us a call.

Cincinnati Pool and Patio has been serving Cincinnati homeowners since 1966. Our expert service team is always available to answer questions and help you find the right products for your pool. We can navigate this chlorine shortage and these uncertain times together. Visit our store or get in touch with us today if you have questions or need recommendations.

Chemical Brands You Can Trust

chemical brands

As a pool owner, there are too many chemical brands for you to research, buy, test, and use for you to know which ones are the best for your pool.

That’s why we’ve assembled a list of our favorite pool and spa chemicals to help make your pool maintenance a little easier this pool season.

Chemical Brands


With premium Baquacil pool care products, you can achieve the clarity your pool was designed for. Their chemicals do away with tedious pool care. By enabling you to convert your pool into a chlorine-free, carefree sanctuary in less than 24 hours. The result? Clear, beautiful water that’s gentle on eyes, hair, and skin, not to mention pool surfaces and swimsuits.

The real advantage of the Baquacil brand is the peace of mind all of our products offer thanks to the brand’s dependable, consistent bacteria control. And less time worrying about bacteria means more time to enjoy fun in the water with your family.


Leave the complicated decision making at the office and escape to your backyard. Poolife Pool Care Systems include the products you need to have a clean pool all summer long. Your professional Poolife dealer will help you select the system that’s best for your pool and your lifestyle.

Rendezvous Spa

From sanitizers and balancers to algaecides, the Rendézvous Spa Specialties line of products offers everything you need to keep your spa clean and inviting. Designed with you in mind, Rendézvous Spa Specialties features color categorization for quick and easy product identification. This high quality, easy-to-use products that will help take the hassle out of maintaining a spa so you can truly enjoy your investment.

Have any questions about chemicals brands? Contact us here!

pHin and Your Pool

pHin and Your Pool

As a pool owner, it’s difficult to give your pool’s chemical all the attention they need. All of your problems can be solved. The pHin is a blue-tooth enabled machine that constantly monitors the chemicals in your pool and will alert you when they change.

Everything Works Together to Keep Your Water Healthy & Safe!

1. Monitor with the pHin

The pHin monitors your water continuously. Therefore, it knows what the levels of your pool should be.

You’re able to track it through the helpful app while the device live updates any changes there may be.

The days of using testing strips are over!

2. Be Notified

The app alerts you when your water needs attention. Then, you’re sent a notification straight to your phone.

Additionally, the pHin will notify you ASAP when your levels are changing and when you should add more chemicals. You’ll be able to add them to your levels turn your pool water turns unsatisfactory.

3. Add Chemicals

Follow the simple instructions to add chemicals and balance your water. The device breaks down exactly what your pool needs and how much you need to add.

Finally, if you have any question about what chemicals or brands to buy, you can always give us a call.

4. Get Swimming

Keep your pool safe and ready for your family this summer. With the help of pHin, you’ll never have to worry about your pool balance again.

Do you have any questions about the device or your pool’s chemical balance? Contact us here!